Security chief to Solange Martinez : ‘You are here because you think you are so smart’ .


Solange Martinez is being held at North Central Hospital in the Bronx . She has been advocating for the poor and has been successfull in helping people in the court system . She has had several victories against the NYC social services agencies when they committed fraud . She is NOT an attorney and for that reason the legal system feels threatened by her . If everyone started representing themselves and others , it would take away billions of dollars from the attorneys , judges , police , courts , prisons , transport companies , hospitals , doctors , nurses , social workers , certified public accountants , maintence workers , food service providers , cleaning services , security agents , internet providers , computer technicians , and all their supporting staff , buisness and corporations . So they locked her up . They are trying to silence her with a 60 year sentence and forced medication which has already begun . The drugs include : Halidol , Zolpidan , Lithium carbonate and others . She is already getting tired and dizzy . A witness to her abduction heard officers of the NYPD from precinct 52 say : ‘We have determined that no crime has been committed here , the EMT’s are going to take you.’ The EMT stated : ‘You can sue us later’ . Witnesses heard the chief of security at Jacoby hospital , where the hearing was held , make the following statement : ‘You are not here because you are mentally ill . You are here because you think your so smart .’

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