Habeas corpus blitz for Tania McCash! Please participate!

Please print out, fill out, and mail in this habeas corpus for Tania McCash. Remember this format in case you are arrested and are in need of habeas corpus. Thank you for helping Tania. Please mail to the following address:

The James R. Browning Courthouse
95 7th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Click Here for Tania’s Habeas Corpus

Emergency phone blitz for Tania McCash! Insist she be released!

Please call and insist Tania McCash (a mother of three) be released from Elmwood Correctional Facility at 701 S. Abel Street, Milpitas, CA 95035. She is being denied bail (which violates Article 10 of the California State Constitution), she is being denied a jury trial (which violates Articles 6 & 7 of the U.S. Constitution). Tania has not been charged with any crime, she is being re-sent back to jail every 30 days for refusing Judge Stephen V. Manley’s command for her to take a psychiatric evaluation. No evidence exists that she is mentally ill, and officers of the court have stated she is mentally unfit due to her legal strategy. Even the DSM does not list legal strategy as a mental illness.

If you are anywhere near Santa Clara, please show up on Friday, April 26 at 9AM at The Santa Clara Courthouse, 1095 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA, 95050, and observe the proceedings for Tania’s appearance in front of Judge Manley.

Please bring Tania’s case to the attention of as many people as possible, fill out a habeas corpus (Tania’s Habeas Corpus) and a judicial complaint form against Judge Manley (Tania’s Judicial Complaint Form), and continue to make calls and send letters on Tania’s behalf to the following people:

[Ms. McCash Court Case # is C1653807]

Bishop Patrick McGrath & Assistant “Patricia:” 408 983 0100.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone: 415 614 5500.

San Jose Catholic Diocese Vicar General Reverend Monsignor Francis V. Cilia: 408 983 0154.

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (who can impeach this criminal acting as a judge): 202 225 3072.

Chief Administrative Judge Phyllis Hamilton: 510 637 1296.

Court Administration CEO Rebecca Flemming: 408 882 2700

Media Liaison of the Court: 415 522 4051

Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith: 408 808 4900. (Her Personal Assistant is Jennifer Rodh; Sheriff Smith’s Twitter Account:  @sctosheriffcounty; you can also reach her at:  fggsheriff.org.)

Judge Stephen V. Manley: 408 491 4840.  Ext.1 (8:30 am to 3 pm, Mon – Fri).

Emergency Phone Blitz for Tania McCash, A Mother of Three Illegally Incarcerated






I.  Ms. McCash Court Case # is C1653807.


II.  Tania has been illegally incarcerated by her judge (which is disqualified to be her judge).  Prior to this incarceration, the lawsuit that Ms. McCash filed against him in federal court had a ruling:  that the case was to be transferred to another county. 


 III.  In Contempt of [federal] Court, Judge Stephen V. Manly kept the case in his county and his court and illegally sent the said mother of three children to jail with no bail, no trial, no jury, no charge, not jurisdiction, no crime committed, no evidence of a crime committed, and no legal basis for this.


IV.  Judge Manley, besides retaliating because of the lawsuit against him, also retaliated because Ms. McCash Pleaded The Fifth [amendment] not to say anything that might have had upset this predisposed, abusive, retaliatory judge; which is her CONSTITUTIONAL and LEGAL right.


  1. Bishop Patrick McGrath & Assistant “Patricia:” 408 983 0100.
  2. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone: 415 614 5500.
  3. San Jose Catholic Diocese Vicar General Reverend Monsignor Francis V. Cilia: 408 983 0154.
  4. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (who can impeach this criminal, acting as a judge): 202 225 3072.

Person with whom Prof. Martinez spoke in regard to Ms. McCash’s Case (C1653807): (1) Mr. JZ Hull (2) Ms. Jullian MacLeod.


  1. Chief Administrative Judge Phyllis Hamilton: 510 637 1296.
  2. Court Administration CEO Rebecca Flemming: 408 882 2700
  3. Media Liaison of the Court: 415 522 4051
  4. Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith: 408 808 4900.

Her Personal Assistant is Jennifer Rodh

Sheriff Smith’s Twitter Account:  sctosheriffcounty

You can also reach her at:  fggsheriff.org

  1. Judge Stephen V. Manley: 408 491 4840.  Ext.1 (8:30 am to 3 pm, Mon – Fri).