Jury nullification letter! Copy this before they block it again!

Jury nullification : it’s your right and your duty ! For hundreds of years jury nullification has occurred when a jury finds a defendant not guilty , even though the defendant may have opposed rejected or the code in question . It is not a violation to oppose or reject an immoral or unconstitutional code , and codes are NOT law when they are in opposition to the Constitution , which is the supreme law of the land . It’s called the supremacy clause . Because the attorneys , judges and local government make so much money by passing unlawful codes and regulations , they continue to invent an illusion of criminal activity where there is none . This court for profit system eventually destroys freedom in the community . Therefore it is essential for you the juror to realize and exercise your role as the blocker of a power hungry court system AND as the final enforcer of freedom among the people . Remember two things : 1 : society , or the state , cannot be a victim . It is called a fictitious entity , meaning false or made up . Only a living man or woman can claim to be a victim . No victim , no crime . 2 : YOU the juror are the judge and the judge is nothing more than a referee with no authority to tell the jury how they can interpret the law . Any judge who instructs the jury is committing jury tampering , a felony . They use intimidation and manipulation to control the jury . Do not submit to the unlawful pressure from the judge , he or she has a very large financial stake in creating guilty verdicts because the pension funds they rely upon for retirement are heavily invested in the private prison industry . As a juror you have total immunity to vote your conscience regardless of any threats by the jury-tampering judge . Someone’s freedom will rest in your hands if you are selected as a juror, and it is your right and your duty to judge the fairness of the law as well as the facts . If the law is wrong , or no living victim is injured , the verdict is “not guilty” and freedom wins for everyone, including you the juror. “The Pages of history shine on instance of the jury’s exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge..”US vs Dougherty 1972  

PDF file Click here:Jurynullification (1)

Fully Informed Jury Association www.FIJA.org


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Jury Nullification 101


Top comments

David J Gill

This is unclear – it leaves a big question hanging. Is nullification a specific decision…as in: the jury foreman when asked “guilty or not guilty” instead says “we the jury nullify the law,” or is it just any single juror who secretly decides the law is wrong so he will disregard the evidence and hang the jury?


fuck the police


They should have used jury nullification in that case where a teenage boy was accused of rape because he had oral instead vaginal sex with another teenager.


You could get stuck on a long boring case where you wouldn’t want to nullify and chances are that even if you did they would just call it a mistrial and start over. There is also a good chance that you will be a higher numbered potential juror and they will pick twelve jurors way before getting to you. I’ve served on two juries and changed the vote to not guilty on one and caused a mistrial on another. Three times I wasn’t picked for the above reason. Just be nice and your chances improve.

James Veronico

Oh no, there are many more. But your original demand didn’t ask for all of them. I provided 3, then provided the source where you could find the entirety of them. You are obviously a wannabe or “family member” and that makes you the “moron” …you artard.

James Veronico

Hey, FYI: Law & Order, season 8, episode 5. The name of the episode is “NULLIFICATION.” Also, Law & Order, season 6, episode 4 “Custody” and season 12, episode 18 “Equal Rights.” There’s a Law & Order wiki you can just look it up on.


I got a summons for the 14th this month. This is one of the reasons I WANT to be selected. How is the best way to answer the attorney’s questions to increase my chance of being selected.


Congratulations on being more informed than many of the rest of us. Unfortunately, many people do not know about this, and that could mean ten years of jail time for three of our staff currently under indictment.


a few seasons of Law & Order, and you’re a bonafide paralegal! I knew what Jury nullification was by the time I was 14.


Very astute. We realize that America seems like an oligarchy disguised as a republic and mistaken for a democracy… but our emphasis is on the democratic process.


How are you going to educate someone, when talking about democracy? You know this country is supposed to be a republic right?


haha, you blame the weed? You must be one of those blaming types.. everyone’s elses fault right? You’re brother made his own decision, you’re parents made theirs. Pathetic.


Everyone asks on how we can get our democracy back.. well this is a good start.


@H1TMANactual Most of the info was gathered from various web sources and some Maui lawyers. It’s very likely that MCCFDIA and Wikipedia referred to similar sources.


Good but this is right out of wikipedia, or is it the other way around?

Liberty Treebud

I love jury nullification and speak openly about it EVERYWHERE as we are all potential jurists and don’t have to be near a court house. I speak loudly to my foil, er, friend, who will answer and ask just the right things to carry on explaining JURY NULLIFICATION to everybody who has ears.

Liberty Treebud

When the ‘so-called judges’ or ‘administrators don’t like JURY NULLIFICATION then you KNOW that it is something that you should learn and apply because the laws coming out of the corruption in D.C. or District of Criminals, are deranged and anti American-freedom. RESIST – DO NOT COMPLY – IGNORE & NULLIFY


@clopoplol the japanese who were interned had rights. their rights were violated. rights don’t mean “something which is impossible to ignore” it means things that are guaranteed by the government it wasn’t right, but that doesn’t mean that they never had rights.


Can we Nullify Obama?


I will be attending voire dire on the 15th of Nov. I will do everything to get on as a member by looking like one of the sheepole,then if the law is repugnant to the Constitution ,or is unjust,unfair,or falls into the definition of fraud, I will hang the jury so fast that the pros will shit his pants. After a decade of studying Constitutional law and American Jurisprudence 2d., and having a conscience, I feel pretty confident I can do the right thing by convincing the other members to nullify!!!

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